Rev Deborah L. Johnson
Rev. Deborah L. Johnson is the founder of Inner Light Ministries, an omnifaith spiritual community in Santa Cruz, California, nearing its 25th anniversary, and The Motivational Institute, an organizational development consulting firm specializing in cultural diversity. A dynamic organizer, strategist, facilitator, public speaker, and spoken word artist, she is known for her ability to bring clarity to complex and emotionally charged issues. A co-litigant in two California landmark civil rights cases, her life-time social justice work has been featured in numerous multi-media venues and garnered numerous lifetime achievement awards. Author of “The Sacred Yes” and “Your Deepest Intent,” Rev Deborah is a board member of Pachamama Alliance, a Leadership Council Member of the Association of Global New Thought, and a founding member of the Agape International Spiritual Center with Michael Bernard Beckwith. A former Real Estate Investment Manager, she holds a BA in Economics from USC, an MBA in Urban Land Economics and Real Estate Finance, from UCLA, a ministerial degree from the Holmes Institute, and an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Agape University of Leadership and Transpersonal Studies.
Her passion is building “The Beloved Community” and healing socio-political/cultural divides. Wherever she goes, her message is one of transformation, inclusion, empowerment, and possibility.