Nilima Bhat
Keynote Speaker
Saturday, Jan 23, 2021
10:00 – 10:30 am

Author, Speaker, Founder of The Shakti Fellowship, Director of Roots & Wings Consulting
Nilima is a visionary in the fields of Personal Mastery, Leadership, Gender Equality and Wellbeing.
A corporate executive and entrepreneur, yoga teacher and trained dancer, leadership coach and trainer, her pioneering body of work is encompassed in her two books, Shakti Leadership and My Cancer Is Me. Together they outline holistic and integrated approaches to Leadership and Resilience.
Nilima is currently focused on building The Shakti Fellowship, a global 9-month advanced leadership & entrepreneurship program for women, jointly certified with University of San Diego; with a vision to train 100,000 Shakti Leaders as change-makers by 2030.
Keynote Presentation
SHAKTI LEADERSHIP: It’s Time to Rise in Love Together, Powerfully
In order to navigate these VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) Pandemic-caused Times, and not just survive but thrive, women realize that they are going to have to make a journey. A journey that requires deep reserves of resilience and inspiring energy. This can only come from tapping into Shakti, the infinite source of power within us that makes us fully present, fuels our creativity and drives change.
In this keynote, Nilima Bhat outlines a NEW MODEL OF LEADERSHIP from her book with Raj Sisodia, co-founder Conscious Capitalism, to CHANGE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH POWER. And to leverage Feminine values and energy to take our leadership and organisations to a whole new and much needed level.
It’s time to come into your full power as The Wise Fool of Tough Love, in order to Presence and Flex in these turbulent times. It’s also time to understand the dance of love and power that is needed to heal our significant relationships. So we do not fall but #Riseinlovetogether.