Marin Bach-Antonson
The Magdalane Rose – Chalice Ceremony and Rite of the HEART
Saturday, July 22nd
1:30 – 3:30 pm
The Aphrodite Pleasure Portal
Sunday, July 23rd
11am – 1pm
Marin Bach-Antonson is a Magdalene Rose priestess and a devotee to the Way of Love. She has over 25 years experience leading Goddess ceremonies, sister circles and feminine soul initiation experiences.
Marin considers herself an emissary of the Divine Mother and is privileged to be a mentor for women on the priestess path.
She is the creator of Lemurian Water Code Activation, the Aphrodite Pleasure Portal and the Magdalene Rose Mystery School where she works with women who seek to step into their sacred priestess leadership and anchor their legacy of light.
Marin also leads vortex retreats and is currently enrolling for Mt. Shasta, Sedona and Asheville, NC. She also takes women on pilgrimage to sacred sites all around the world.
The Magdalane Rose 🌹 Chalice Ceremony and Rite of the HEART
On this very day that is Magdalane’s feast day, join me in the Red Rose temple for an exquisite ceremony and sacred workshop to remember.
The lineage of the sisterhood of the rose is being remembered as Magdalene rises in the heart, mind and wombs of women everywhere.
We’ll begin by a powerful invocation of the the Rose Council and the great Emissaries of the Divine Mother
Then we will weave our hands and hearts and activate sacred space –
Sister to sister
soul to soul
womb to womb
holy woman to holy woman
Marin will share a short wisdom teaching that covers:
Walking the path of the Black Madonna
Unlocking the Rose Codex and Healing from the three Magdalene Wounds
Then, we drop deep into ceremony by tuning into the high feminine frequency of Sophia – Shekinah and moving through three gates of initiation
the holy grail womb gate
the Shakti serpent portal
and the diamond dove-heart stargate
The ritual will have elements of light language, sound healing, Shakti Dance, drum medicine and multi-dimensional code activation.
It culminates with a powerful and ancient Rose Priestess anointing Rite that will have you connecting with HER golden chalice and reclaiming the inner Magdalene.
Also, for the first time, Marin will reveal and offer the RITE of the HEART – which was given to her directly by Mary Magdalene. Many sisters have received the Rite of the Womb passed to women by the Munay-Ki tribe of Peru – now you will receive this powerful pairing.
The Aphrodite Pleasure Portal
Come gather in the beautiful temple of Aphrodite for an experience of exquisite feminine energy, sensuous ceremony and sacred sisterhood.
We’ll create a very intimate, safe container for awakening the bliss body and igniting the energy of our sacred sensuality.
Your beautiful body will be honored as a holy temple during our sacred sensorium.
We’ll start with an oil anointing ritual inspired by the ancient scent priestesses. You’ll honor your body and awaken your energy centers using aromatic oils provided by Marin.
Next you’ll be bathed in the sound of sonic alchemy bowls and gently blessed by the ritual of the “kiss of the rose” upon your body.
You’ll experience the sweetness of sister-eye gazing, sacred heart touch and high vibration, sensuous temple dance to open and expand you.
You will receive a feather fan clearing to release imprints lodged in your auric rim that distort your perceptions and have you believing your body is not enough. Then, guided by the beats of rhythmic drum medicine we’ll move into the “Roar of no more” movement ritual, as we shake loose the imprints, projections and pain that our bodies have been unconsciously holding.
You’ll move into the center of your own pleasure portal where you will be flooded by rose gold light as we invoke the presence of Aphrodite and connect to the cosmic Venusian lineage of the sisterhood of the rose.
You’ll receive a multi-dimensional activation that awakens the cosmic rose code in your 2nd charkra – igniting the light of your womb and expanding your pleasure potential.
Join us for this luscious experience of feminine flow, fanning the flames of pleasure and and awakening your own INNER Aphrodite!
NOTE: Although it is not required, this is a great workshop to attend with a friend/partner.
(*) Every participant will receive an oil anointing ceremony script that you can re-create with others.