Inaiya Ray
Full Moon Ceremony & Closing Circle
Monday, June 13th
10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Akashic Awakening
Sunday, June 12th
3:30 – 5:30 pm

Inaiya Ray is a new bestselling author of The Grail Rider, Return to the Heart of the Wild Divine Sophia and steward of The Living Chalice, an embodied Wisdom School for New Earth Temple Arts. Her life-long journey of personal and planetary awakening has led her to travel the world while pioneering the inner alchemy of Conscious Evolution and the birthing of a Divine New Humanity. Inaiya draws upon three decades of practicing Integrative Healing Arts and facilitating experiential trainings such as: The Evolutionary Priest/Priestess and Akashic Awakening, a sonic and somatic unwinding of the body and soul that delivers one into greater consciousness, coherence and connectivity with one’s authentic Self, Source and Divine Oneness.
As an emissary of Gaia Sophia, Inaiya is an experienced Akashic Intuitive, Energetic Healer and Evolutionary Life Coach, and transmits the living intelligence of the Wild Divine. Her sacred ceremonies and global retreats are instilled with the magic and majesty of the moment. Weaving the wonders of the natural world with a plethora of experiential learning, she guides individuals into creative Self Mastery and mutual awakening that anchor new paradigms of Oneness and coherent beauty. Inaiya thrives in serving an international community, offering trauma informed Akashic Awakening sessions, Bio-energetic attunements, Vagus Nerve Toning, Awakened Life Coaching and on-line courses that illuminate and polish the gifts of the Soul.
Akashic Awakening: Sonic & Somatic ceremony to ignite your Core Essence & Soul Gifts
Akashic Awakening™ is a transformational sound and soul movement modality that will guide you on a sonic and somatic unwinding of the body and soul that delivers you into greater consciousness, coherence, connectivity and collaboration with your Divine self, community and the whole of creation.
Join Inaiya as she guides us into greater kinship with our Soul’s purpose to create and give life to our light encoded dreams from the living Source within.
Deep down, we know what it is to inhabit the full spectrum of who we are and live in harmony with our true essence and nature. Like the static on the radio, our bodies give us sensations all the time of being in and out of attuned alignment. Throughout this interactive somatic and sonic journey, we will activate the life-giving frequencies that charge our God/Goddess cells also known as Adamantine particles. Let us join hearts in a unified resonant field of authentic connection that serves to illuminate our magnificence to be seen, felt, witnessed, reflected and celebrated in all that we are to shine forth on behalf of enlivening the whole.